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So What Wednesday

So What Wednesday
So what..
  • I took a vacation day today since we were supposed to get a foot of snow, so far we've only gotten rain.
  • If I now only have one vacation day left currently (until I accrue more)
  • If I've waited WEEKS for a spring line release from one of my favorite online boutique stores and after waiting all day, the website crashed and I was unable to purchase anything I wanted, because it all sold out.
  • If I haven't filed my taxes yet, I still need to save the additional money to PAY to the government.  
  • This is the first time I've ever owed on taxes.
  • I had girls night Saturday night and all day Sunday I was horribly hung over, I've only ever had a hangover 2 times in my life.
  • I'm a pinterest addict, I typically check it before bed and it usually extents my bedtime.
  • I love pinning quotes and funny pictures.